

I know it may be a little overkill two posts in one day but I just need to say I am super excited for Illamasqua to finally be in the states.
I was at the opening of Lauren Luke's makeup line in the new Sephora on 42nd street and 7th ave and got to be one of the first to play around with Illamasqua at the store. I totally fell in love. It's makeup for your alter ego. I tried their Intense lip gloss in Fierce just because I saw Richie (youtube.com/whatstyleistonickel) showcasing it in one of his videos. And I have to say even though it is a grape purple, I love it. I love color and wherever I can put some color I will.

For more info on Illamaqua, go to sephora.com and illamasqua.com.
Image credit: sephora.com

A happy start

So in response to my best friend making a fashion blog, I have decided to make a makeup blog. What makes fashions stick out the makeup that goes along with it. So I have decided to make an all about makeup fashions blog that can work for anyone. I may later decide to make a youtube channel to show makeup tutorials (maybe not sure about it yet, the idea of putting myself out there in video scares me) or even just makeup ideas from the runway to real life. I am super excited to start this. Please subscribe, follow or whatever it is called on here.